Friday, June 29, 2007

106 & Park Freestyle Friday

I'm hitting you with 3 recent freestyle friday battles.
For those who don't know, two MC's get at eachother in 2 rounds of 30 secs and a jury decides who's the illest. The one who spits the best punch lines gets the champion belt and comes back the following week. It takes 7 wins to become a Hall of Famer.

On April 6th, Loaded Lux from Harlem was going for his 4th win against Precise from NJ.

Loaded Lux 4th Week

Let's meet Loaded Lux again 3 weeks after for his 7th and final week. The first video features a recap of his 6 previous wins. Will he make it to the Hall of Fame?

Loaded Lux 7th Week Round1
Loaded Lux 7th Week Round2

On June 15th, Nickel-Us F. who already had won 5 times was then going for his 6th against Chris Black. Check it out.

Nickel-Us F 6th Week

If you want more battles, let me know.


Anonymous said...

you got any oun-p, twilight, or big will? hollw aswell? please put those up, thx

Anonymous said...

pourquoi pas:)